Girls Bravo is a Japanese shonen manga series written and illustrated by Mario Kaneda and serialized from 2000 to 2005 in Shonen Ace by Kadokawa Shoten. The story focuses on a young high school student who is kicked into a bathtub and transported to a mysterious world with a mostly female population. The anime adaptation of Girls Bravo, directed by Ei Aoki and animated by AIC Spirits, aired in Japan from 2004 to 2005. There are 24 episodes total. The anime series was released in English by Geneon, and the manga was released in English by Tokyopop.
Genre: | Adventure |
Release Month: | 1 |
Release Year: | 2005 |
Developer: | Kadokawa Shoten |
Publisher: | Kadokawa Shoten |
Serial: | SLPM-65855 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |